jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Yes / No Question

Yes/No Questions

Simple (Yes No) questions in English are made in three similar but different ways. The form of simple questions depends on whether the statement from which the question is made has 

1. BE (but no other verb), or
an auxiliary verb (including BE) and
main verb, or
only a main verb (not BE and not with
an auxiliary.)

auxiliary verbsubjectmain verb 
Yes or No
Doyouwantdinner?Yes, I do.
Canyoudrive? No, I can't.
Hasshefinishedher work?Yes, she has.
Didtheygohome?No, they didn't.
Exception! verb be simple present and simple past
 IsAnneFrench?Yes, she is.
 WasRamat home?No, he wasn't.


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