jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

examples with (INDEFINITIVES........)

The subject and verb in a sentence must both be either singular or plural. We can't have a singular subject with a plural verb or a plural subject with a singular verb.


  1. I needed to see if anyone was interested in dating my cousin.
  2. Someone really needs to come and mow my lawn.
  3. Is anyone available to babysit for me on Tuesday?
  4. My parents always told me that anything is possible.
  5. Everyone enjoyed the food and the company.
  6. Anyone that has ever lived in the city will never take for granted the peace of the country.
  7. Someone whispered in my ear, but when I turned around there was not anybody there.
  8. Few came to the wedding after the bride had a melt down and lashed out at her family and friends.
  9. Everyone at the wedding could see how happy he made her.
  10. After the festivities, everyone was invited back to the house for the after-party.
  11. Some just do not know when to quit while they are ahead.
  12. Someone should sue the pants off of that guy!
  13. Anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.
  14. Mary wanted some, but I do not have any.
  15. Someone drank all the soda.
  16. Can anyone tell me why it is raining again?
  17. Everybody loves to eat chocolate.
  18. No one likes to eat vegetables.
  19. Someone will clean up the kitchen.
  20. No one was home at the neighbor's.
  21. Everyone brought canned goods to the charity drive.
  22. All were late to the party.

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